Universities and conditions requirements CRN Gameloop Version 1.0.0

 The ceremony was held at the guest house of Jamia Islamia Bahawalpur, what was the ceremony, there was just an atmosphere of gossip and the pleasure of work was arranged. A dinner was arranged in honor of Prof. Naeem Masood. Of the nearly two dozen or so people, most were professors, but there were also some non-professors, among the crowd of highly educated people with degrees, perhaps the least literate. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Athar Mehboob, who is an engineer, was also present. Signs of happiness were visible on the faces of the present teachers of the university. I was bursting. This happy event happened not only to these few people, but also to many people from other departments of the university, whose promotions had been stalled for years, now let their fate and their destiny change. The star shone. Obviously, this car Full credit goes to the current Vice-Chancellor, who has reorganized the university and opened new avenues for growth and prosperity. Increased the faculty of the university, more than doubled the number of academic departments, focused on solving the problems of teachers and employees.

Due to the increase in population, there is immense pressure for admissions in the university. About one lakh students have applied in various fields. Universities also face many problems due to such pressure. The Vice-Chancellors of the universities are certainly the watchtower, but as the circumstances require changes in the laws of the universities, the deployment of manpower to assist the Vice-Chancellor and the division of departments is very important. But whether it is an institution or a province or a country, few people think or dare to think about the reduction of their powers or the distribution of powers. Should be divided. Probably the people who work feel the workload, otherwise the institutional system is running in the 'best' way, ie not correcting the old defects and not starting any new work.

There are iron fences around the universities for their own citizens. People and properties do not know how educational activities are carried out inside any great mother of knowledge, of course it is the job of the administration and teachers, but what is the department in the universities, which has no roots in the outside society. The fact is that the students who graduate from each department have to go out and enter the same fields, but what happens is that they are introduced only with biblical knowledge, there are two or four departments, which are in the 'field'. It doesn't work without taking it. Despite this, it has never been heard that a department has invited a big man from its own neighborhood who is an expert in its field to the university. Let's share some of our experiences with our students, tell them what they need to take care of when they take to the field after teaching "class and book", what problems they will face? Perhaps in the eyes of universities, "big" means people living in big cities. Instead of adapting the curriculum to the modern and new environment, there is a tradition of hitting the fly (this process is continued according to the exact idiom, that it is a desirable hobby of the graduates). Experts in every field are available in every field, who have more knowledge and experience than the articles published in Generals. Steps are being taken to bring in big people from abroad, to spend evenings with them, to hold big national or international seminars, and there is an urgent need to take advantage of those regional people. Instead of adapting the curriculum to the modern and new environment, there is a tradition of hitting the fly (this process is continued according to the exact idiom, that it is a desirable hobby of the graduates). Experts in every field are available in every field, who have more knowledge and experience than the articles published in Generals. Steps are being taken to bring in big people from abroad, to spend evenings with them, to hold big national or international seminars, and there is an urgent need to take advantage of those regional people. Instead of adapting the curriculum to the modern and new environment, there is a tradition of hitting the fly (this process is continued according to the exact idiom, that it is a desirable hobby of the graduates). Experts in every field are available in every field, who have more knowledge and experience than the articles published in Generals. Steps are being taken to bring in big people from abroad, to spend evenings with them, to hold big national or international seminars, and there is an urgent need to take advantage of those regional people.

Every dean of the university performs his duties according to his own temperament. Sometimes people who are disgusted with the people of Shumai also get these important positions, as a result of which the whole environment suffers. Something similar has been happening in Jamia Islamia. Some time ago, Dr. Mukhtar had made the university a social center. After a long time, people got a chance to come in and those inside went out. His successor, the Vice-Chancellor, set a strong example of public disgust, breaking all previous records, leaving the university a "no-go area" for citizens. It is not a demand that everyone be allowed to come and go unhindered, it is a requirement that the Tologs come and go as needed. Incumbent Vice Chancellor Dr. Athar Mehboob has started opening the locked doors of the university, and communication with the world outside the four walls has begun. Certainly not without a plan It doesn't work, it's just a matter of being careful and cautious with specific advisors. Since high-minded people are the majority in the universities, one of the responsibilities of the universities is to guide every section of the society wherever it seeks help, to make the citizens aware of the good and the bad, big and small. Give them the best advice on issues, provide technical support in all areas of life. University graduates should not only be "graduates" but also become the best citizens of the society. If the teachers start devoting their energies for the wider national interest instead of narrow-mindedness and squabbling with each other, then no enemy can stand in the way of the development of the country and the nation. It should also provide guidance, inform the citizens about the good and the bad, give them the best advice on small and big issues, and provide technical assistance in all areas of life. University graduates should not only be "graduates" but also become the best citizens of the society. If the teachers start devoting their energies for the wider national interest instead of narrow-mindedness and squabbling with each other, then no enemy can stand in the way of the development of the country and the nation. It should also provide guidance, inform the citizens about the good and the bad, give them the best advice on small and big issues, and provide technical assistance in all areas of life. University graduates should not only be "graduates" but also become the best citizens of the society. If the teachers start devoting their energies for the wider national interest instead of narrow-mindedness and squabbling with each other, then no enemy can stand in the way of the development of the country and the nation.


Universities and conditions requirements CRN Gameloop Version 1.0.0 Universities and conditions requirements CRN Gameloop Version 1.0.0 Reviewed by EY on September 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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